Sunday, June 28, 2009

Max's last day of Kindergarten!

This school year flew by for us, and I think we're all a little sad. :( As we all remember, Max had an abnormally rough time starting out kindergarten, but thankfully things completely turned around. He had an amazing kindergarten experience! He loved learning new things and especially loved meeting kids and making lots of friends. So it's goodbye to a great year... we hope they're all this good!

Max with his teacher, Sue.


Britney said...

This school year DID go by so fast! I'm SO glad everything turned out...and that he ended up loving kindergarten!

Congrats Max!

And congrats to you for making it through your first years as "a real mom"!

milenab said...

Hey Karen! I loved the pics! Looks like you guys have a lot of fun over there! How are you feeling? I miss you guys! :0)