Monday, June 08, 2009

Do they really have to go? :(

Yesterday we said goodbye to two of my absolute favorite people, Jeni and Britney and their wonderful families. I love these girls! Jeni and I moved in about the same time almost five(!) years ago. We got to know each other well when we were in Young Womens together and she has been such a good friend to me ever since. Britney moved in two years ago and we were instant friends. She has been there for me through all the good and bad of the last two years and I honestly don't know what I'll do without her 100 yards away. How will I ever survive?... well, they're both only going to be an hour away, so that will help. And I'm so excited for them to have houses and jobs! Still, we will really miss you guys!!!


Britney said...

Awww...tears! What will I do without YOU being a 100 yards away? I miss you already!

Maybe we can be on the phone together for the bachelorette???

This is a really nice post. Love you lots!