Monday, June 01, 2009

It's a BOY!(?)

That's right... baby #5 is making its way to our house the end of October. We had our big ultrasound today and the technician thinks it's a boy. Hopefully my doctor will give it another look soon so that we know for sure. We're all very excited to see how we will manage one more baby in our apartment! :)

Apparently our lady wasn't very good with the ultrasound machine altogether because this is the only picture she came up with... a view right up close of the little baby's face.


Heidi said...

Very Exciting!!! Sad though that we don't get phone calls anymore... Let us know when the little guy is due. Congrats, that is going to be lots of fun!

Hanson Family said...

Congrats!!! That is very exciting! When will he be due? That is so fun!!!

Britney said...

A boy! At least Cali can be your babe for a little longer!

BTW, I came by the other day (Monday) so say bye for the week...but your car was not there. Maybe you were at your ultrasound?

I'm excited to see you on Sunday! And then it's your turn to come to our house...

Chris Fullmer said...

How fun! That is so exciting! I actually just heard the news recently. So happy for you! -Fenna

Amy said...

Congrats! I get to find out on Thursday and I can't wait.

Fox's x 3 said...

Congratulations! Hopefully you can get a better picture from your doctor.

Becca said...

Yeah for another boy!! You have great boys, sweet and playful.