Sunday, May 04, 2008

Goodbye to the Thomases

As Max would say, "goodbye Sister and Mr. Thomas!" We are so sad to see Max's primary teachers move. He has loved being in their class for almost a year and a half. Even though Max is quite a wild card in Primary, they loved him and took such good care of him. We will miss them!


Britney said...

I didn't even know they were moving...!

You've always said such great things about them!

Good luck in your move 'sister and Mr. Thomas!'

Jeni said...

WHAT THE CRAP???? Why is everyone moving?? Jason home teaches them, I don't think he knows- or at least he hasn't said anything to me about it. HOW SAD! All of the great people move!!

Kelly Jensen said...

I love them too! I will miss them! I am going to try to find a place for them and get them back here ASAP!