Friday, December 11, 2009

More pictures of Will

Will is now 6 weeks old and sweet as ever. We feel very, very lucky to have such a content baby since we're well aware this isn't always the case. He still sleeps a whole lot and I hope that lasts even a little bit longer! None of the kids have lost their fascination with the baby so we still spend a lot of our time taking turns holding him.

Here he is the day of his blessing at 5 weeks old. And of course all the kids holding him.

Whenever Cali isn't sleeping in her crib, Will gets to take his naps here. And it is his favorite place! Whenever he is tired I just go lay him in the crib and he puts himself to sleep. After having really crabby newborns, this is crazy to us! We both remember pacing all over the apartment with Lincoln and Cali just begging them to go to sleep. Hopefully I'm not jinxing Will's good habits!


Mindy said...

Oh my gosh he's the cutest baby! And all your kids look so cute. How do you do it Karen?! I can barely get my three to coordinate once a year (Christmas) and here are all yours looking perfect. :)

And can I just say I want to hold that baby!!!

milenab said...

Hey Karen!

I loved the new pics! Will is so cute and he was so handsome in his blessing day! It is always fun to see the kids! Congrats in the new job and I am excited to see you guys every time we go to Utah now! :0)

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful little boy and I love his name!

Emilee said...

That is so cute that Will's siblings love him so much! It makes me what a big family :)

Jen said...

He is so handsome- his olive skin is so pretty!

Bethany said...

time to come back to blog-land, Karen!

Jen said...

where are you?