Friday, December 11, 2009

More pictures of Will

Will is now 6 weeks old and sweet as ever. We feel very, very lucky to have such a content baby since we're well aware this isn't always the case. He still sleeps a whole lot and I hope that lasts even a little bit longer! None of the kids have lost their fascination with the baby so we still spend a lot of our time taking turns holding him.

Here he is the day of his blessing at 5 weeks old. And of course all the kids holding him.

Whenever Cali isn't sleeping in her crib, Will gets to take his naps here. And it is his favorite place! Whenever he is tired I just go lay him in the crib and he puts himself to sleep. After having really crabby newborns, this is crazy to us! We both remember pacing all over the apartment with Lincoln and Cali just begging them to go to sleep. Hopefully I'm not jinxing Will's good habits!

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Our last Berkeley Thanksgiving

I can't believe that this is our sixth Thanksgiving on our own. My amazing friend Britney invited us to their great house down in San Jose for Thanksgiving. It was so much fun and the food was all incredible. This Thanksgiving I thought of two huge things I am very grateful for. First, getting a job in Utah, and second, the lifelong friends we've made in Berkeley. Brit and her family are definitely one of them. Thanks for the wonderful day, Brit!

Here are the girls... all pregnant, might I add. I gotta admit I was feeling a little leftout. ;)
(Rachel, Ela, me, and Brit)

Brit did up a fancy adult table, and then the kids had their own table next to us. My kids came and ate one at a time... they never wanted to stop playing!

We had a really relaxing day since the kids basically stayed on the tramp the whole time. I think it will be the first thing we buy when we get a yard!

This is Brit's mom with Will. I just love this sweet lady!
Here we are before heading back to Berkeley. You can tell by Max's and Lincoln's faces that they were definitely done with their big day.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Will's first month

This has been a pretty busy month so I have not posted near as much as I should in honor of this sweet baby. He has been absolutely perfect and we have all loved every minute with him. He's a great sleeper and a great eater and you can't ask for more than that in a newborn! He is a month old, and only the past couple of days has he started to cry more and want to be held, so we've been pretty lucky.

Here are some pictures of him when he is one and two weeks old.

First of all, my mom came and spent a week with us to help with the baby. She flew here straight from Hawaii where she was tending grandkids and I couldn't believe how much energy she still had for my intense little clan. She cleaned, entertained the kids, took them and picked them up from school, got up in the morning with Cali (super early, might I add), and she took the kids on all kinds of adventures. All while I got to stay home and recover with just the sweet baby. :) We were very sad when she had to leave... but she was heading straight to Alaska to help my little sister with her brand new baby! I think she was gone from home for a straight month. Thanks Mom! You're definitely one in a million!

Thought we better get a picture of Will's bed... he sleeps on the couch all bundled up every night.

And of course I don't need to say how much the kids love him. All they want to do is hold the baby any chance they get. Max is definitely a natural with him and has been so helpful to me.

Cali is little less natural but she adores this little baby and always wants to just squeeze him out of pure delight.