I just keep pluggin' away at this blogging thing... still not giving up! It's that time of year when at least one person in the house is sick at all times, but I think we might actually be done! Hence, I finally have some time to try and catch up on the blog. Starting with Christmas:
We had to go up to the Temple and see the lights... it looks like it was snowing (ha!) but it was just raining like crazy. It's always so pretty (not that you can tell from the picture), but we're still glad we went!
The kids making cookies for Santa and decorating Gingerbread houses. Poor Lincoln started feeling sick right in the middle of it all and kept throwing up. He would make a weird face, say his tummy hurt and then throw up everywhere. But then he was right back into the fun... he refused to let being sick get in the way! He is one funny kid.
Our little Christmas Eve program. We sang songs, played a game, did the nativity and talked about the Savior's example to us.
We let the kids open a couple presents. First their Christmas jammies. They were so thrilled to have Star Wars pjs! Lincoln was still throwing up and threw up on his pants. He was so upset that he couldn't wear them to bed.
Then their presents from each other. They had all picked out books for each other.
Dan read Twas the Night before Christmas and the kids went right to sleep.
Christmas morning once all the kids were awake we started the unwrapping. By now poor Cali had gotten caught up in the sick bug, but she was a trooper.
Max and Doman were so thrilled they got Lego Star Wars from Santa (and I was happy they didn't mind getting a shared present from Santa!)
Lincoln got a little racetrack from Santa.
... and Cali got a ball. :) Seriously, we just don't need any more toddler toys around here!
She also got a few pairs of shoes. :) I had already gotten them, so I wrapped them up and she was so happy. She is way in love with shoes right now so it was perfect.
Then we spent the entire day in our pajamas playing with all the new toys. It was so fun and actually a bit relaxing. Plus with Dan home we got a lot of cleaning done. :) We were sad we had to miss our nice dinner with some ward friends, but the kids were so sick we thought it'd be mean to give it to other little kids on Christmas. But we had a great time playing at home.
i love all the pics! Your family looks HUGE and so grown up!
What?! Star Wars pj's?! Great - now I can't let Karsten sleep over anymore because he'll have to have some. Hahaha.
I'm SO glad you had such a great Christmas. You are such a cute mom Karen that of course you had a great Christmas!
Yea! What a fun Christmas! I'm so glad you got to do a few fun things!
I had no idea your kids were throwing up during Christmas! That's really crappy...but you have a great attitude :)
I love all the pictures and am SO impressed you did all that fun stuff on Christmas Eve!
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