Friday, November 21, 2008

A long time comin'!

When my friend Jeni and I decided to go to girls camp again this past summer, we got to thinking... our sweet husbands are taking a whole week off and we're seriously going camping???

The wheels started turning in Jeni's head... she was super close to talking me into a Mexican Cruise but telling our hubbies we were at camp (hilarious!). Dan would have been so proud, but I of course wimped out (in my defense, I really get motion-sick and Jeni would have regretted it for sure!)

Finally, we settled for a weekend at the nearby Claremont Resort.  Along with Kelly and Britney, it was perfect! We ate, we relaxed in hot tubs, we talked, we slept... what could be a better weekend away? Then Jeni and I topped it off with a pedicure and I came home a new woman. :) Thanks girls! I would seriously not be surviving these years without amazing girl friends! Not to mention a smart hubby who knows that giving me a break makes me all the more tolerable to live with! :)


Hanson Family said...

How fun Karen! I wish I took those kind of breaks more often! Mom's really do need it. It looks like you have a lot of good friends there.