Maybe it's because Lincoln's the third child, or maybe it's because he is still short and chubby, but I just cannot accept the fact he won't be a little two-year-old anymore! These three years have gone by way too fast! Since we didn't have a blog a couple years ago, here is a little Lincoln re-cap from his first year. :)
Lincoln was 6 days late and weighed 7 lbs 11 oz. Poor little guy had to have a blood transfusion right after he was born.
He was a little sweetheart. He was always a great eater, but cried a lot for a few months... most babes do though, right?
Lincoln only sucked his thumb for a little while, I think because it took so much effort... he was so chubby that in order to keep his thumb in his mouth, he had to hold it in with his other hand. He gave up after a few days and the crying came back...
He's always loved the bath! I remember finding him in there like this with all his clothes on... he was having a great time!
What's funny is that it doesn't seem like Lincoln has changed much this year. He is still chubby. He still sleeps like an angel in his crib. He still talks with lots of intonation. He still is very polite saying "please" and "thank-you" for everything. He still takes a 3 hour nap. He still bites the boys if they make him mad (uhg!). He still loves his "ba-ba" and blankies. He still has an enormous amount of energy. And he still CRACKS US UP! He is the comic relief in the family and we would not survive without him making us laugh all the time.
For his birthday we woke him up for presents (okay, really we all waited for him to wake up since he's the only one who sleeps in around here.)
Then he was so thrilled to have a little party at the park with his friends. The day before his birthday he kept telling me he was so excited for his elephant birthday. That was news to me, but Dan went and bought him an elephant balloon and thanks to the internet, I made him an elephant cake. I guess he is easy to please, because he totally loved his party!
I can't believe it has been three years since that little munchkin was born! He looks so darn grown up! I can't stand it. I hope we get to see him soon!
I too can't believe it's been 3 years...that means I've been around too long in Berkeley ;)
I think he is the only kid that I have ever met who still looks like their newborn picture in the face. I mean there's no mistaking that it's Lincoln in that hospital picture! Such a cutie!
He's just too cute. We love Lincoln!
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