Saturday, June 28, 2008

Doman & friends at the Steam Trains

The weekend after Doman's birthday we invited all of his little Sunbeam friends to celebrate with him doing one of his absolute favorite things... taking a ride on the steam trains! It ended up being a super cold day, but we managed to have cake (thanks to Kendra!), some entertainment from Max on the side, and finally a fun little ride on the trains.

This is the great train cake Kendra and Owen made for Doman. It even had a cute little picture of Doman at the front driving it. He loved it!

Max's story was that Owen and Karsten were doing their business so Max decided to join them. Problem is, Max was standing there for quite a few minutes and gave everyone plenty of time to witness it. My camera couldn't get a shot that far away so thanks to Mike we got a couple great pictures. And don't worry, we had a good talk about emergencies later that night!

Going through the tunnel on the steam trains... you can see Doman
and Abby are having a good time.

Isn't this such a sweet picture of Doman and Ellie?!

Thank you to everyone who was able to come with us... it absolutely made Doman's day!