Saturday, February 21, 2009

Doman and the ER

I know I should use this time to actually post some updates, but I've got to vent out some frustration first.

Doman was at preschool yesterday when he fell off his bike and the bike landed on his arm. When I picked him up he seemed fine, but seeing me made him all teary again. At home we watched a show and ate snacks and he was fine so long as he was holding his arm against his chest. I really wish I knew how to tell if my kid had a broken bone! But he couldn't really use his arm or put pressure on it, so Dan came home from school and took him to the ER around 4:00 in the afternoon...

And then they wait... the ER was packed and no one seemed to ever be leaving the waiting room. AND, Doman couldn't eat or drink anything in case he needed anesthesia. I think Dan would have just left except Doman's arm was really bothering him. SEVEN hours later Doman finally gets seen only to find out they don't have whatever specialist there they need to look at the x-rays (a radiologist?) Seriously?! But they're pretty sure it's fractured, so they wrap him up in a splint. Now we have to wait for someone to check the x-rays and then go back and have a cast put on it. So frustrating.

Doman and Dan got home at mid-night, and I was sure Doman was going to just walk in and pass out because he'd be so tired. But surely enough, he came walking in with a big smile, proud of his splint, and even more excited to show me the little stuffed animal he got. To say he is a trooper is an understatement.

This poor kid has been through so much already. Plus he's been really sick the past couple months and spent many days and nights in pain. I can't stand to see him hurting! Then he breaks his arm, waits in the ER for seven hours (they did finally let him eat around 9:00), with his arm hurting while also feeling a bit nervous. But he's always so tough and cool about it. I guess if he doesn't seem traumatized by all this medical crap then I shouldn't work myself up either.

Ah, I feel better. Thanks for listening. :)

Here's the sweetheart...


Hanson Family said...

He is a little sweetheart. And you're a great mom! I'm sorry he hasn't been feeling good lately. He really has been through a lot, what a patient little boy.

Becca said...

Ahh, sweet Doman. He is a trooper and so are his parents :)

7 hours, are you serious? I would have gone crazy. At least he got a sling to help make it feel better.

Britney said...

He IS such a TROOPER! Seriously, he has been through so much (and so have YOU!) I'm SO sorry this happened!

milenab said...

Hey Karen! I am so sorry he broke his arm and that you have to go thru these things with cute Doman...He is such a trooper but as I had that experience with Isaac, they a lot more stronger than us and that we think! I love you guys and I miss you! I wish I could be closer to him to hug him and help to make him feel better...I always think about you guys and you are always in my prayers! Love you guys :0)

Beth said...

Oh, poor Doman! That must be so hard on you, you do so well with him though. I hope he gets feeling better!

Amy said...

What a tough guy!

Mindy said...

It's making me cry with you! Domain is so sweet and I am so sorry he had such a horrible day. Does he feel cool now that he has a cast? I always wanted a broken bone when I was little...

Marti said...

You two are going for the super parents award! I wanted to ball when I read that. I don't know how you do it.