Saturday, October 06, 2007

Cali's first month

This month has been predictably crazy, as Cali Anne moves into her spot in the family. While it is pretty tough to get Cali to go to sleep, once she is out, she can always stretch for several hours at night. We're still trying to figure out which of the boys she resembles the most - our current guess is a mix of Doman and Max. The boys still adore Cali and have been really great with her.

Max started preschool again, and he looks forward to it every day (even though he loves to be at home so much!). Doman has a little preschool group with some ward friends, and he also goes to speech therapy twice a week. His talking progress has been phenomenal lately. It turns out he has a funny little sense of humor. :) Lincoln is quickly becoming more compatible with the older boys, as he learns to respect their stuff and respond to directives a lot better. He is one funny dude, as some pictures we post might reveal.

The boys and I have been having a great time on our afternoon excursions to parks and museums. They are really fun to take around in the car, and they love to play at the many parks in our area. It's a good bonding time for us.

Karen and Cali generally hold down the fort at home while we are gone in the afternoon, although Cali has adventured out to a park with us once. Karen has enjoyed tweaking the smaller-than-ever apartment to accommodate our new arrival. We switched rooms with the boys to give them the bigger room, in anticipation of Lincoln joining the two older boys in their room soon.

We had a great time visiting with Dave and Milena on their long layover coming back from their Europe trip. We kept them up really late, but it was party time baby! Then, we were lucky to spend some time with Barbara on her way back from Hawaii.

We are all really excited to come back to Utah for Christmas this year. The boys will love seeing all of their cousins and I think they'll appreciate the snow even more than last year. If you will be in Utah for the holidays, we'll see you soon!

We have posted a few pictures at the following link:


dragonb4 said...

Awesome pictures, can't wait to see you guys in december

milenab said...

What cute pics guys! We loved being with you, I always love to play games with you and the memories for sure! The kids are gorgeous and I am so glad we got to see you all. Love,

M&M Kanet said...

Oh, such a sweet family! I love the picture of the boys holding Callie with their finger in her mouth :) and the pic of them reading her a story. She looks so into it. So sweet.

Cindy said...

I didn't know you guys had a blog! It's fun to see you on here and Cali is looking pretty cute!

loulou said...

she is so precious! I can't believe it- a sister in the Briggs family! WE miss you so much! I wish I was there to lend a helpig hand during this crazy time! Love you- jen