I've managed to get really behind with updates, so look out, here comes a huge post! Some of it may not be interesting to anyone reading, but since this blog is working at being our grad school scrapbook/journal, for my sake, I want to get it caught up a little bit. Here goes...
Our FUN DATE in San Fran with the best hot-fudge sundae ever at Ghiradelli Square.
MAX had a crazy hair/clothes day at school. He chose to wear his swimsuit with mis-matched socks and shoes. :)
My 28th BIRTHDAY was a great day! The boys threw me a tinker-bell party and boy was it fun! :)
EASTER pictures. :) Silly kids...
OAKLAND A'S baseball game... something that's been sitting on the bucket list for a while. Dan took the older boys and they loved their first Major League baseball game!
WICKED! We got tickets with a big group in our ward many, many months ago and the day finally came! Here we are at the Orpheum Theatre in San Fransisco. If you're in the area, you definitely don't want to miss this!
DOMAN'S BIOPSY. This is something we've been waiting to be done for a very long time. It is a pretty minor surgery, but anything where they're cutting my little boy open is major for me! And with 10 stitches that brings his new grand total to 19. They went through his thigh to take a good piece of muscle and hopefully find out what kind of muscle disease he might have. Doman of course was a champ as usual, especially since we had to wake him up at 5:00 in the morning to drive down to Stanford. When it was all over and he woke up from the anesthesia, he looked at the nurse and said "that was fun!" She said she's never heard that before and I'm not surprised. He is quite a kid.
LINCOLN graduates to a big boy bed. We didn't know how this would go because our 3 1/2 year old loves his crib so much, but a loft bed turns out to really just be a glorified crib with LOTS of space underneath. He loves it. We love it. And Cali loves it... she finally gets her girly crib. :)
BYU/Cal RUGBY Game. This is the 4th year in a row that Cal and BYU have been in the Championship Rugby game and BYU finally won! Dan took the boys down to Stanford to enjoy the fun. They had a great time... especially getting to stay up way past bedtime!
DAN'S COLLOQUIUM: Dan is lucky he doesn't have to defend his Dissertation, but he still has to give a final presentation before he can graduate. Well that big day was this month and he wanted me there to witness all the amazing work he has done. I had completely no idea what he was talking about, but his buddies all told me he did a great job! He is so glad it is over. Now he can finish his last paper and he will be completely done!
MOTHER'S DAY! I woke up to my favorite, biscuits and bacon gravy in bed... I was amazed! Dan's never tried doing something like that, but it was so yummy that I'm going to be begging for that again! Then the kids gave me all of their cute cards, pictures, and crafty things they had made me. So sweet and fun! We ended the day with a fun BBQ with our friends.
Plus, lots more to come... family coming to visit, Disneyland and our trip to So. Cal, Doman's Birthday, and Doman's biopsy results will be coming soon!